Which chair is the right size for you?

Having a chair that is the right size to adequately support you is the first step to sitting correctly and comfortably.
Below we give an indication of which of our ergonomic task chairs are most likely to suit different user builds.
Chair sizer lineup no titles

Small or Slight Build

For small and slight users it’s important to have a seat that’s not too deep so you can sit easily with your feet flat on the floor and your back supported by the backrest. The seat should support your thighs but should not be so long that it's touching the back of your knees.

View chairs for Small or Slight Users

Average Build

Users of average build will be comfortable and well supported in a wide range of chairs. Your back should be able to be supported by the chair backrest while your feet are flat on the floor. The seat should support your thighs while allowing some gap behind the back of your knees.

View chairs for Users of Average Build

Tall or Large Build

For tall and large users it’s important that the seat and backrest provide appropriate support for your back and legs. The seat should support your thighs to within about 5cm of the back of your knees. It's important that the backrest supports your lower back and ideally extends to support your thoracic spine.

View chairs for Tall or Large Users

For workplaces with different people using the same chair we recommend choosing a chair designed for users of Average Build.
The majority of smaller and larger users will also be comfortable and supported in these chairs. But please contact us if you'd like
more ergonomic information or specific recommendations for your situation.

See our Recommended Sitting Posture page to learn about best posture for a computer-user